Government Polytechnic Phoolpur Pawai Azamgarh



Library and information Centre of Government Polytechnic Atraulia Azamgarh offer a comprehensive range of services to help the student to get the best out of learning at our campus. Government Polytechnic Atraulia Azamgarh has its own separate computerized library. It enables the users to on-line access for getting information on availability of required book(s). The libraries act as spinal cord of GPAA with well-balanced collection of Books, Journals and E-Resources in various fields of Engineering, Technology . It also includes information, which is useful for teaching and reference purpose. It also provides literature on personality development, ethics and research support to the students. The library remains open for ten hours on all working days.

The Government Polytechnic Atraulia Azamgarh library caters adequately to the needs of Diploma students as well as all the staff members.

  • 2695 Titles
  • 13934 Volumes
  • 60 National Journals
  • 36 International e-Journals and Proceedings
  • Reading Halls for more than 150 Students
  • Special Reading Room for Researchers and Teachers
  • Computerized Library Management System
  • Online International Journal Workstations Connected with 14 MBPS Connectivity and Wi-Ficampus
  • Audio-Visual Library Section with 365 CDs
  • Magazines and Periodicals Section (20)

A separate Reference Section is maintained for important and rarebooks. All the books of the library are indexed through a computerizedBar Code system and are being used for the operation oflibrary procedures.

Working Day: 09.00 a.m. to 07.00 p.m.
Holidays 9.00 a.m to 2.00 p.m