Government Polytechnic Phoolpur Pawai Azamgarh

Research @ AICCEDS

Consistent with its commitment to freedom of speech and inquiry, AICCEDS values the free pursuit of excellence in the creation of new knowledge. The Group strives to provide the resources and guidance needed for faculty and administrators to uphold standards of scholarly excellence, ethical soundness, and professional responsibility. The AICCEDS provides a number of opportunities to apply for funding for various kinds of projects. The goal of these grants is to provide help for projects; it is not the expectation that the Group will provide funding for all of the expenses of the projects. These funds are distributed by the Research and Development Committee, which is composed of representatives from the faculty (from all three Divisions) and the administration..

The Research and Development Committee shall encourage faculty and administrators to pursue their development as educators and scholars. It shall allocate funds budgeted by the Group for support of research and professional development, shall determine equitable priorities among applications for this support, and shall assure proper accountability in the use of grants..

Current Reseacrh Publications

Dental College Azamagrh Pharmacy College Azamgarh Computer Scienec Departments Scienec Departments
Journal of Dental College Azamgarh 200 National & 300 International 30 National & 20 International 30 National & 20 International

Current Reseacrh Publications

  • By Computer Scienec Department

    Cloud computing has recently emerged as a new paradigm for hosting and delivering services over the Internet. Cloud computing is attractive to business owners as it eliminates the requirement for users to plan ahead for provisioning, and allows enterprises to start from the small and increase resources only when there is a rise in service demand. However, despite the fact that cloud computing offers huge opportunities to the IT industry, the development of cloud computing technology is currently at its infancy, with many issues still to be addressed. In this paper, we present a survey of cloud computing, highlighting its key concepts, architectural principles, state-of-the-art implementation as well as research challenges. The aim of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the design challenges of cloud computing and identify important research directions in this increasingly important area.