Government Polytechnic Phoolpur Pawai Azamgarh

Reasons why you should study with us

  • Research Led Teaching

    Our academic staff are all research active scholars who bring their specialist knowledge and passion into the teaching context ensuring learning is relevant and stimulating. Students receive quality teaching (as student feedback and the National Student Survey attests) and all lectures are given by our experienced academic staff.

  • Good Employment Prospectus

    Other percentage of our graduates who enter employment or further study continues to increase; recent statistics show 85%. This is above the national average and is directly influenced by our dedication to integrate skills sought by employers into the teaching of our programmes. Many of our graduates go on to really interesting work related to their degree, including James Wong who has his own TV series, Grow your Own Drugs, or have become leaders in their fields such as Edwin Matokwani (DICE MSc in Conservation Biology) who has recently been appointed as Director General of the Zambian Wildlife Authority or Sarah Pink who is a renowned academic innovator in the field of Visual Anthropology..

  • International Opportunities

    Due to the reputation for excellence the school has internationally, it attracts students from 73 countries. It also provides opportunities for students to undertake elements of their study abroad. A number of our programmes include Years Abroad in Japan, Spain, the USA, Italy, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark. Other programmes include project work, field trips, and research oversees: MSc Ethnobotany students spend two weeks in Barcelona; BSc Wildlife Conservation students conduct 6-week research projects abroad (current destinations include Amazonian Peru and Southern Africa) and have the opportunity to join a tropical fieldcourse to Borneo; and MA Social Anthropology, Visual Anthropology, and Anthropology of Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Identity carry out Master's thesis fieldwork in sites as far afield as Columbia, West Bank Palestine, Cyprus, and India..

  • World Leading Research

    In the 2001 and 2008 Research Assessment Exercises over 50% of our research was rated as 'internationally excellent' and some work identified as being 'world leading'. Staff publish their research regularly, often in leading academic journals including Science and Nature..

  • Specialist Facilities, Equipments & Resources

    Students benefit from access to a state-of-the-art visual anthropology lab, ecology field trials area and laboratory, research laboratories for ethnobotany, biological anthropology and conservation genetics as well as a student computer suite. The school has close links to a number of external organisations which benefit our students including the Powell-Cotton Museum, the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew, the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and the Royal Anthropological Institute. The School also utilises contacts from around the world, bringing students together with renown practitioners, policy makers, and leading researchers through seminar and lecture series.

  • Dynamic Group Community

    Our students often comment on the strong sense of community in our school. Undergraduate and postgraduate students regularly work together through supported seminars, project consultations, and research groups. There are weekly seminars and social activities where staff and students gather for collaboration and fun!.